As some of you might have noticed recently, the Crown City Cruisers are no longer on Facebook. For several years Facebook has been the most active place to find us and learn about the goings-on in our club. This all stopped abruptly sometime after our last post on December 4, 2022. We do not know why.

The administrators of that page can still see it, but it has been unpublished because Facebook says it “goes against our Community Standards.”
Simply put: we don’t know what we did to get thrown into Facebook jail. As far as we can see, none of the administrator accounts have been hacked. Further, it’s almost impossible to get a hold of anyone at Facebook to ask them why we got booted. We don’t advertise on Facebook so therefore we aren’t important enough to matter to them.
We hope to be back on social media in some way soon. However, until we figure out where that will be, we will do our best to keep folks updated here on our website. We recently added all the information for our McDonald’s cruise-ins. As always we look forward to seeing everyone in person in Albany this summer.